
"Don't bother us": Russian Olympic champion outraged by calls for Russia to end the war

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Välbe supports the war

The head of the Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation (RCCF), Yelena Välbe, has demanded that Western countries and international sports organizations not interfere in the affairs of the aggressor country. The three-time Olympic champion pretended that Russia did not invade the territory of a neighboring state, where it committed war crimes.

Välbe said this in an interview with the propaganda news agency TASS. The Vladimir Putin regime's henchwoman accused Israel of aggression and also criticized French President Emmanuel Macron for the idea of a truce during the 2024 Olympics and International Olympic Committee (IOC) Chairman Thomas Bach for calling for a boycott of the Friendship Games.

"You know, I don't understand what the IOC and Thomas Bach have to do with all this, they've already outdone themselves. I hear Emmanuel Macron shouting for us to cease fire, but why are there no such appeals to Israel? I understand one thing: for them, everything Russia says is bad, and they are white and fluffy, let them sit in their garden and hoe their beds, and don't bother us," said Välbe.

Earlier, the IOC president accused Russian dictator Vladimir Putin of legitimizing doping by Russian athletes after he appeared with disqualified figure skater Kamila Valiyeva at the opening of the Future Games.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, Thomas Bach opposed the so-called collective responsibility for Russian athletes.

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