
"Well, war is war". Russia reacts to the IOC's decision on the Olympics

Maksym InshakovSport
President of the Russian Wrestling Federation says IOC has temporary people in charge

The President of the Russian Wrestling Federation (FSBR), Mikhail Mamiashvili, said that the International Olympic Committee's decision to bar the leaders of the Russian wrestling team from the Olympics is beyond criticism. On June 15, the IOC published the list of the first Russian athletes admitted to the Olympic Games in Paris.

Mamiashvili is sure that the IOC made sure that even as individual athletes, the representation of Russians was "extremely minimal."

"Everything related to the international federation's platform - all the meetings were well attended and the documents were adopted. Well, now this decision has been made. For example, let's take the clause that athletes from law enforcement agencies are not allowed to participate. But it was under the patronage of the IOC that the games among military personnel were held. any athlete should participate there," Mamiashvili said in an interview with Match TV.

''Well, war is war''. Russia reacts to the IOC's decision on the Olympics

Mamiashvili believes that the IOC will organize some kind of "filtering".

"This has all happened in the history of mankind: skulls were measured, earlobes and so on. Everything in this life repeats itself," said the winner of the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

Such pretentious statements by the Russian functionary provoked mockery from his compatriots. Users remind Mamiashvili of the 2016 incident when he beat up Russian athlete Inna Trazhukova. The official attacked the 25-year-old wrestler after she lost the bronze medal at the Rio Olympics.

As OBOZ.UA reported earlier, Mamiashvili called the representatives of our country outcasts and accused them of denouncing athletes from Russia.

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