
The organizer of the Euro 2016 massacre from Russia called Russia a free country where you just can't go against Putin

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Shprygin bent under the Russian authorities

The former head of the so-called All-Russian Association of Fans, Alexander Shprygin, made a completely illogical statement about the situation in Russia. The fan of the national team, who organized and participated in the grandiose massacres at Euro 2016, called the aggressor country the freest in the world, but in which it is forbidden to go against the state.

Shprygin said this in an interview with Convicted in France for extremism, the Russian openly made it clear that he sold out to Vladimir Putin's regime, urging his compatriots not to even think about stopping supporting the head of their terrorist state.

The organizer of the Euro 2016 massacre from Russia called Russia a free country where you just can't go against Putin
The organizer of the Euro 2016 massacre from Russia called Russia a free country where you just can't go against Putin

"Von Pasha Durov found out where he should have flown on vacation with a girl. And I was once again convinced that it's hard to find a country as free as Russia. Do you feel some kind of unfreedom? Well, if you speak out for the Ho***vs and against Russia, of course they will kill you. I don't feel any oppression. Just don't play with the state. There was an oppositionist, he was playing around. So they found him. They find them all afterwards. This is done to preserve the state system," Shprygin said.

The organizer of the Euro 2016 massacre from Russia called Russia a free country where you just can't go against Putin
The organizer of the Euro 2016 massacre from Russia called Russia a free country where you just can't go against Putin

Recall that during Euro 2016, fans of the Russian national team provoked a real beating with the British in Marseille. Several dozen fans from the Russian Federation were arrested and were in French prisons for a long time.

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