
What to do to keep windscreen wipers from freezing to the glass: simple methods

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Frozen windscreen wipers are one of the most annoying problems for drivers in winter

A frosty morning brings a lot of trouble to a driver. One of the problems is the freezing of parts. For example, windshield wipers. They are very easy to damage when trying to tear them off the windshield, which leads to repairs. But how do you defrost the wipers and is it possible to make sure they don't freeze at all?

OBOZREVATEL has collected some tips on how to deal with this problem.

Gradually heat the windshield

If you can get into the car, which is sometimes not possible immediately because the doors are also frozen, start the car's climate system and direct a stream of warm air to the windshield. Defrosting will take some time, but it will be smooth and safe. If the glass is heated too quickly, it can crack, and too high temperatures can also damage the rubber part of the wipers. That's why a heated wiper system is not the best solution to this problem - it heats up too quickly. And express defrosting with boiling water is even more dangerous. This is the case when it is better to wait a little longer.

Remove frozen ice mechanically

Scraping off the ice with a special brush will help speed up the process of melting it. Therefore, clean the glass around the wipers. This will save you a few minutes.

Remove frozen ice chemically

Winter washer fluid or de-icer can help melt ice faster by changing its properties with alcohol. Pour a little on the wipers and they will thaw faster. It is important to do this manually. The car's windshield wiper system works in such a way that it will start moving the wipers themselves, and since they are frozen, this can result in torn rubber bands and repairs.

Is it possible to prevent wipers from freezing?

The answer to this question depends on several factors. For example, the temperature. In severe nighttime frosts, even the most thorough treatment with de-icer will not prevent ice from forming.

In this case, some drivers recommend treating the wipers with silicone in advance. In principle, this is a fairly effective method, but it should be used immediately after parking the car, and not everyone has time for this. If you treat the wipers ahead of time, the silicone will wear off quickly and your actions will be useless. In addition, in this case, it will negatively affect the quality of glass cleaning during their regular operation.

There are also "old-fashioned" methods. The first is to remove the wipers. Well, this is really effective, but you have to keep in mind that you will have to take them off first and then put them back on, which not everyone can do. Thus, you may find yourself running back and forth.

You may also hear the advice to pull up the windshield wipers to keep them in the air and prevent them from freezing. This advice can also work, but it can also cause damage if something falls on them at night. It may also attract thieves.

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