
The firing positions were located near Bakhmut: Ukraine collects evidence of Russian involvement in attack on Red Cross mission in Donbas

Mikhail LevakinNews
Russians destroyed the Red Cross mission in Viroliubivka. Source: OGPU

The fact that it was the troops of the aggressor state who used cannon artillery to strike the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Viroliubivka, Kostiantynivka TG, during the distribution of humanitarian aid is documented. There is evidence that the attack on the Red Cross humanitarian mission in Donetsk region was carried out by the occupiers.

This was reported by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. It is noted that law enforcement officers have not only identified two places where artillery shells hit and one place where a UAV hit. There is evidence of where the mission was struck from.

As a reminder, the tragedy occurred on September 12, 2024. The shelling of the mission, which was distributing humanitarian aid in Viroliubivka, killed three men. Two other employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross were also injured.

The firing positions were located near Bakhmut: Ukraine collects evidence of Russian involvement in attack on Red Cross mission in Donbas

"It has been established that the artillery shelling was carried out with two 152 mm high-explosive artillery shells and an unmanned barrage munition "Lancet", which is in service only in the Russian Federation. The 152-mm shells were used in tandem with a drone that has a laser rangefinder and can detect and barrage a target on its own. This indicates a premeditated attack on the Red Cross vehicles and personnel," said Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin.

The firing positions were located near Bakhmut: Ukraine collects evidence of Russian involvement in attack on Red Cross mission in Donbas

Given the damage to surrounding buildings and vehicles, as well as the recorded locations of the impacts, the direction of arrival was preliminarily determined. The firing positions of the artillery units that carried out this strike were located in the area of Yahidne, Bakhmut district, Donetsk region, a temporarily occupied territory.

The firing positions were located near Bakhmut: Ukraine collects evidence of Russian involvement in attack on Red Cross mission in Donbas
The firing positions were located near Bakhmut: Ukraine collects evidence of Russian involvement in attack on Red Cross mission in Donbas

It is known that the 1065th Artillery Regiment of the 98th Airborne Division of the Russian Federation and an artillery unit of the 200th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russians are currently stationed in Yahidne.

The firing positions were located near Bakhmut: Ukraine collects evidence of Russian involvement in attack on Red Cross mission in Donbas

As OBOZ.UA reported, after the criminal shelling of the ICRC convoy by the Russian army, the leadership of the International Committee of the Red Cross for some reason did not even mention who exactly carried out the attack. In addition, the ICRC was also in no hurry to respond to the deaths of three Ukrainians who were employees of the organization.

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