
How to grow green onions in two weeks: an ingenious life hack for a summer residence

Alina MilsentNews
How to grow onions quickly. Source: Created with the help of AI

Growing onions seems to be quite easy. However, often instead of juicy, flavorful greens, we get frail, pale, and thin sprouts. There are two ways to grow onions at home: in water and soil.

Experienced gardeners say that the second option is more reliable. It is less likely that the onions will rot, and there is no need to add and change the water frequently. OBOZ.UA figured out how to grow fragrant and juicy green onions in two weeks.

Which onion to choose for germination

To grow onions for feathers, you should take medium-sized bulbs – they have a larger supply of nutrients, so the feathers will grow juicy, tasty, and rich green.

Before planting, experts recommend soaking the bulb in warm water. Pour warm water into a container, put the bulbs in, and cover so that the water does not cool down for longer.

Then you should take out the bulb and start planting, cutting off the tops. This procedure, experts say, perfectly stimulates the germination of greens, and awakens and activates growth points.

Where to put the container with onions

Planting material should be placed on the windowsill closer to the light. The feathers will grow more actively and will be juicy and rich at a temperature of +22...+25 °C.

Be sure to cover the containers from possible drafts and cooling from the window. You can also use a lamp.

To speed up the ripening process, you can start growing onions using the seedling method a few days before planting them outdoors.

The onions are planted in a tray using the bridge method, and the seedlings are placed closely, without gaps. You just need to lightly press the bulb into the soil.

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