
How to choose a lipstick color for an outfit: tips for fans of colorful clothes

Anna OnishchenkoNews
How to choose a lipstick color for an outfit

Bright and colorful outfits always attract attention, allow you to express your individuality and create a unique look. However, when it comes to makeup, the question arises: how to choose a lipstick color that matches your bright clothes?

Lipstick can either complement the look or spoil it. That's why Glam experts shared their tips on how to choose a shade that will make you look stylish and confident.

Obviously, red clothes go well with red and nude lipstick, orange clothes require peach tones, yellow clothes go well with coral, dark burgundy and burgundy shades, and blue sets are perfectly balanced with pink and purple. But what to do when you're wearing a multi-colored dress?

The dominant color of the outfit

Look at your outfit, determine which color dominates it, and choose shades that will emphasize it. For example, if your dress has blue floral patterns, choose a lipstick in blue, mauve, purple, or lilac tones. Or, if your dress has orange and yellow patterns, choose a bright coral or brick terracotta lipstick.

Skin tone

When choosing a lipstick, you should always consider your skin tone. If the veins on the wrist are blue and the skin looks pink, then the person has a cold undertone. A lipstick with a blue base is ideal for them. You should also think about cherry red or burgundy colors.

On the other hand, if the skin has an olive or golden hue, then you should look for warmer lipsticks, such as terracotta or bright red.

When the skin combines pink and yellow undertones, choose a pink lipstick if you have fair skin. And if you have dark skin, then pay attention to purple shades.


If you're wearing a colorful dress and you're not sure what color lipstick to choose, pay attention to the accessories. Earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. You can even match the color of your lips to the color of your glasses.

How to choose a lipstick color for an outfit: tips for fans of colorful clothes

If your accessories have precious stones on them, choose a lipstick shade based on them. If your jewelry is gold, you can try purple, coral, or pink.


When you combine several colors in your outfit, you have the freedom to choose any shade of lipstick and go beyond. However, women may find themselves at a loss with so many different options. In this case, pay attention to your eye color.

If you have light eyes, then pink and burgundy colors will look great, regardless of the outfit.

At the same time, dark eyes will be beautifully emphasized by a brown or burgundy lipstick shade.

A win-win option

Red is a classic shade of lipstick that never goes out of style and is always suitable for making your look perfect.

Bright red will match clothes with black, gray, and white tones.

A coral red shade is perfect for clothes with brown, beige, and white tones.

If your clothes contain yellow or orange colors, then choose an orange-red lipstick.

How to choose a lipstick color for an outfit: tips for fans of colorful clothes

Nude is also a great lipstick color when wearing colorful clothes. Depending on your skin, you can choose delicate pink or light brown shades that will emphasize your natural lip color.

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