
A diver lizard has been found that can swim underwater with a bubble on its nose

Inna VasilyukNews
Lizards use bubbles in their nostrils to breathe underwater. Source: Lindsey Swirk

A researcher at New York University found that lizards jump into bodies of water during times of threat. To be able to breathe underwater, anoles form a bubble.

The scientist says by avoiding predators, the lizards breathe underwater through a bubble that forms in their nostrils. This allows them to stay safe for up to 20 minutes, writes TheGuardian.

According to zoologists, water anoles live around cliffs, near streams and waterfalls in Central and South America, where they are hunted by birds, snakes and other lizards. This makes life in the forest very dangerous.

The instinct for self-preservation has led lizards to develop several escape strategies. When camouflage and seeking shelter in a crisis situation don't work, lizards jump into streams until the threat has passed.

A diver lizard has been found that can swim underwater with a bubble on its nose

"We knew they could stay underwater. But we weren't sure if the bubble actually played any functional role in respiration," said Dr. Lindsey Swirk, who studies anoles at Binghamton University in New York.

To see if anolis used their bubbles to breathe underwater, Swirk examined how long the lizards remained submerged with and without moisturizer applied to their skin. It turned out that the cream prevented the bubbles from forming properly.

The scientist noted that the water anoles stayed submerged 32% longer without moisturizer. "When they are prevented from forming regular breathing bubbles, they can't dive as long," Lindsey Swirk said.

Interestingly, the first line of defense for water anoles when a predator is spotted is to freeze and hope the camouflage will hide them. If a predator does pursue, the next option is to climb into a crack in the rock. But diving near a body of water is a last resort, as it can lower their body temperature and make them lethargic.

Lindsey Swirk summarizes that diving is the most effective means of escape for these lizards. After all, they are very difficult to detect because of the moving surface of the water stream.

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