
There will be twice as many cucumbers: three miracle fertilizers named

Yulia PoteriankoLife
A cucumber bed needs regular fertilization throughout the season

Experienced gardeners know how taxing cucumbers can be on the soil. To grow strong, juicy, and sweet fruits, the plant extracts as many nutrients as possible from the soil. Even a slight lack of them results in a weak and less tasty harvest.

That is why a cucumber bed needs special fertilization during the entire gardening season. OBOZ.UA tells you which fertilizers will bring the most benefit to the plant and help you get the best fruits.

Universal vegetable fertilizer

Such mineral mixtures contain all the substances necessary for most vegetable crops. First of all, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - they are used by plants to build up green mass and form fruits. They will also benefit cucumbers. Use such fertilizers according to the instructions and apply them throughout the season.

Organic fertilizers

Fertilizers such as compost or humus not only help enrich the soil with nitrogen and carbon. Organic fertilizers also contain beneficial bacteria and help to make the soil more loose and drained. Organic fertilizers are usually applied when preparing the beds for sowing and when planting seedlings. This type of fertilizer is also used to enrich the soil in preparation for winter.

Fertilizers for flower crops

As a rule, mineral fertilizers for ornamental plants have an increased concentration of potassium and other nutrients necessary not only for the formation of flowers, but also for the ovaries and, accordingly, fruits. Therefore, such substances can be added to vegetable beds. However, it is very important not to exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, as excessive nutrients in the soil can harm the crop.

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