
What are you really like? This psychological test reveals hidden traits

Alina MilsentLife
Psychological test

Among the various ways of typologizing personalities, physiological tests occupy a special place. Even the way you cross your thumbs can reveal important details about your character.

An unusual test is gaining popularity on the web that will reveal some of the connections between body language and your inner world. The task is simple: you need to clasp your hands and pay special attention to your thumb.

How you cross your thumbs

Right thumb on top of left thumb

Option 1

The main thing is to perform the test unconsciously, so it is better to close your eyes. If your right thumb is on top, you are a master of reason and practicality. Facts are your compass, numbers are your element, and logic is your guide. You spend a long time - sometimes too long - thinking about details. You tend to analyze a situation calmly, carefully, and with a balanced mind. You are never guided by mere whims. You are pragmatic and prefer to approach things rationally and practically.

Impulsiveness is not about you. You are an anchor, a reliable hand, a friend who weighs every step before deciding on something. But don't confuse rationality with coldness. You have a quiet compassion and deep understanding that comes from careful observation and in-depth analysis.

You can become a good accountant, engineer, financial expert, teacher, etc. You have the ability to solve problems by focusing on efficiency.

Left thumb over right thumb

Option 2

You are usually deeply immersed in your inner world. You are sincere, emotional, and trusting. You are a magnetic personality with a kind and caring nature.

You are naturally empathic. Your "emotional antenna" seems to be tuned to the subtlest changes in the energy and mood of others. People around you enjoy your aura of genuine comfort and acceptance.

But you are not just an emotional sponge. You could make a good therapist, counselor, salesperson, or leader, a driving force that leads others to explore uncharted territory. You have the ability to read people's emotions and understand their points of view. Your independent spirit and creativity will be the foundation for future success.

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