
They were scared of "fascists on Khreshchatyk" and asked Putin for help: Uncle Zhora told where comedians Anton Lirnyk and Andrii Molochnyi are now

Uncle Zhora tells where comedians Anton Lirnyk and Andrii Molochnyi are now

The comedian, singer, and host Uncle Zhora recalled his fellow traitors to Ukraine, Anton Lirnyk, who was best known for his participation in the show The League of Laughter, and the star of Ukraine's Finest, Andrii Molochnyi. After 2010, both traitors decided to make money in two countries at the same time – Ukraine and Russia, and after February 24, 2022, they never returned home from Russia.

In an interview with Lux FM, Uncle Zhora said that after starting their careers in the aggressor country, both comedians disappeared from the information space and now nothing has been heard from them. As far as the host knows, Lirnyk allegedly fled Russia, but Molochnyi is still trying to make ends meet in Moscow.

"I know that the last time he (Anton Lirnyk – Ed.) was somewhere in Turkey. And I haven't heard or seen Molochnyi at all, but they say he's staying in Moscow. And, accordingly, he chose a slightly different position," said Uncle Zhora.

Interestingly, the artist also received offers to earn millions and build his comedy career in Russia, but he refused because of his pro-Ukrainian position. Since 2022, Uncle Zhora has been running a charity foundation, volunteering, and testifying that everything Russian is alien to him.

They were scared of ''fascists on Khreshchatyk'' and asked Putin for help: Uncle Zhora told where comedians Anton Lirnyk and Andrii Molochnyi are now

"This (moving to Moscow – Ed.) was not my idea. At that time, of the entire team (Comedy Club Ukraine – Ed.), I was more pro-Ukrainian and more focused on developing our traditions and projects," Uncle Zhora admitted.

It is worth noting that in the 2000s, the host was a resident of the Comedy Club Ukraine comedy show, which also featured Serhiy Prytula, Andrii Molochnyi, Anton Lirnyk, Oleksandr Pedan, and others. After the project was closed, two traitors from this list went to Russia to seek a better life.

They were scared of ''fascists on Khreshchatyk'' and asked Putin for help: Uncle Zhora told where comedians Anton Lirnyk and Andrii Molochnyi are now

Uncle Zhora admitted that it was Molochnyi who started the end of Comedy Club Ukraine. "It started with Andrii Molochnyi. Then there was a split inside. Plus, the main office, which used to be TNT," the comedian said.

It should be reminded that in 2016, Molochnyi appeared at the Russian Comedy Club with the project "Appetizing Donuts." The traitor liked to entertain Russians with low-grade humor about Ukrainians. During one of his speeches, Molochnyi said that "Ukrainian sounds natural in an agricultural environment," and "its use in dubbing films or in scientific projects is inappropriate and irritating to the ear." The artist also joked that his compatriots can only go to Moscow to work.

They were scared of ''fascists on Khreshchatyk'' and asked Putin for help: Uncle Zhora told where comedians Anton Lirnyk and Andrii Molochnyi are now

Back in 2019, Andrii Molochnyi was spreading propaganda nonsense about "crowds of fascists" on Khreshchatyk on his social media: "Five years ago, I could not even imagine that fascists would be walking in crowds in Kyiv."

As OBOZ.UA reported, after the full-scale invasion, Anton Lirnyk moved from Russia to Turkey. In March 2022, Lirnyk recorded a video message to Russian dictator Putin. He claimed that the Ukrainian side would provide a green corridor for the residents of Volnovakha. Lirnyk faced a wave of criticism for his actions.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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