
Cause of the mysterious death of "Alf" star Benji Gregory: his body was found in a car with a dog

Causes of Benji Gregory's mysterious death revealed

Three months after the mysterious death of American actor Benji Gregory, known for his role as Brian Tanner in the cult TV series "Alf," forensic experts from Arizona have announced the official cause of the star's death. The 46-year-old man passed away on June 13 as a result of heat stroke and health problems.

According to Metro, the artist suffered from cirrhosis of the liver. His body was found in the car next to his pet dog Hans, who also did not survive.

Cause of the mysterious death of ''Alf'' star Benji Gregory: his body was found in a car with a dog

According to experts, the fateful day for the actor was marked by a high temperature, which in itself could have caused his death. However, an autopsy showed that Benji Gregory's liver had a large number of scars caused by a long-term illness.

The actor's family is experiencing the loss of the celebrity very hard. His sister Rebecca Pfaffinger remembers her brother with special warmth on her social media.

"My family faced a loss too soon. Ben was a wonderful son, brother, and uncle. He was fun to be around, he made us laugh quite often. And yet, when I go through his things, I find myself laughing at his little videos or recordings, in between crying," the woman said.

Cause of the mysterious death of ''Alf'' star Benji Gregory: his body was found in a car with a dog

Benji Gregory's relatives said that the artist had many mental problems. Among them: were depression, bipolar disorder, and sleep disorder, due to which the 46-year-old man could not sleep for several days.

The actor starred in 101 episodes of the legendary sitcom Alf, after which he changed his career. He joined the US Navy, where he served for two years.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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