
Angelina Jolie complained about her work in Hollywood and announced her move: I felt very far from comfort

Angelina Jolie complained about working in Hollywood

American star Angelina Jolie, who was born and spent her entire life in Los Angeles, complained about Hollywood and the changes that have taken place in her hometown. She now has to filter all the information that comes out of her mouth to keep certain topics private, whereas before, according to the actress, people did not want to interfere with her personal life.

After all six of Angelina Jolie's children come of age, the actress plans to move to Cambodia. It is known that in 2005 she became a citizen of this country, the birthplace of her adopted son Maddox. The star spoke about her desire to leave the United States in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Angelina Jolie complained about her work in Hollywood and announced her move: I felt very far from comfort

"I grew up in this city [Los Angeles]. I'm here because I have to be here because of a divorce, but as soon as they [the kids] turn 18, I can leave. When you have a big family, you want them to have privacy, peace, security. Now I have a house where I raise my children, but sometimes this place can be... The humanity I've found around the world is not the same as the humanity I grew up with here. After Los Angeles, I will be spending a lot of time in Cambodia. I will visit my family members wherever they are, in whatever part of the world," the actress said.

Angelina Jolie complained about her work in Hollywood and announced her move: I felt very far from comfort

Jolie also added that Hollywood used to be different and more comfortable for her. Now, she has to think carefully about the topics of her personal life that can be discussed and those that cannot. That's why, when asked by The Hollywood Reporter about the status of her divorce from actor Brad Pitt, the star briefly answered "no" because she doesn't want to make this information public.

"[Before in Hollywood] you could have this messy private space and the work spoke for itself. Now the audience's attitude is different. I'm trying to adapt to what I share," she said.

Angelina Jolie complained about her work in Hollywood and announced her move: I felt very far from comfort

Angelina Jolie said that due to raising children, she had to take a several-year pause in her acting career, but now she is ready to return to it and teach her offspring the craft. The star started taking them with her to film sets, working with them on joint films, etc.

"They are getting a little older, more independent. They need me less and can go away for different periods of time. And they are old enough to join me at work. This is a new season in our lives. I'm very happy that they are becoming more and more independent every day," Jolie said.

Angelina Jolie complained about her work in Hollywood and announced her move: I felt very far from comfort

In particular, she noted that she was forced to become an actress since childhood by the difficult financial situation in her family: "I became an actress early on to help my mom pay the bills. There were times when I loved being an artist, and there were times when I was very, very far from feeling comfortable in this business. I hope I can build a new relationship with it [Hollywood]."

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that the network was frightened by Angelina Jolie's arms when she appeared at the Venice Film Festival in Italy. Society paid attention to her veins.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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