
Alain Delon's children were sent a will: what is known about the actor's last will, which he described on 4 pages

Alain Delon's children were sent a will

Three weeks after the death of the legendary actor Alain Delon, who passed away on August 18, his children received his last will and testament. In the four-page document, the late actor indicated how the inheritance should be distributed between his daughter Anoushka and his sons Anthony and Alain-Fabien.

According to Le Figaro, the notarized papers were sent by registered mail from Switzerland. In addition to the celebrity's descendants, the legal document was received by the actor's lawyer and estate manager.

Alain Delon's children were sent a will: what is known about the actor's last will, which he described on 4 pages

From the moment they receive the will, Alain Delon's children have 14 days to refuse to execute their father's will and a month to challenge certain clauses. It is known that 50% of the celebrity's inheritance will go to his daughter, and his sons will divide the rest, i.e. they will have 25% each.

Relations between Alain Delon's children deteriorated during his lifetime. At a time when the actor's health was constantly deteriorating, Anthony filed a lawsuit against Anushka. According to the actor's eldest son, the reason was not money.

Alain Delon's children were sent a will: what is known about the actor's last will, which he described on 4 pages

"I want to tell the truth. I want to say why we are tearing each other apart today. The inheritance is settled, and there are no problems with money. My sister has 50% of our father's inheritance, and Alain-Fabien and I have 25% each. There is no conflict or war over the inheritance. What is the reason for today's misunderstandings? The reason is that my brother and I, even if it happens at our expense, want our father's will to be respected. We want him to finish his days here in France, while my sister wants to take him to Switzerland," the man said.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UATelegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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