
Occupiers attacked Podunavia port infrastructure: grain storehouse damaged, cars on fire

Russia attacks Danube port infrastructure with drones at night

On Friday night, October 6, Russian occupation forces attacked southern Ukraine with Shahed drones. The defenders of the sky shot down 11 attack UAVs in Odesa and Mykolaiv regions, but some regions in the border areas were also hit.

In particular, the enemy hit the infrastructure of the Danube region, damaging a grain storage facility. This was reported by the Southern Defense Forces.

According to the military, last night the aggressor launched several groups of drones from Crimea to different regions of Ukraine.

The Air Defense Forces destroyed 11 drones in the south alone, including eight in Mykolaiv and three in Odesa regions.

During the attack, the occupiers used the tactics of complex maneuvers, so their attack UAVs changed course several times, once again following the state border.

Thus, the border and port infrastructure of the Danube region came under attack. A grain storage facility was damaged and several trucks caught fire.

Rescuers quickly extinguished the fire. No one was injured in the incident. At the same time, the ferry crossing was temporarily suspended due to the enemy attack.

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, on the night of October 6, an air raid alert was announced in the south, center and north of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Air Force reported the threat of attack UAVs, while explosions were heard in Odesa and Cherkasy regions.

In the morning, Russian terrorists shelled the central part of Kharkiv. At least three people were injured, and cars and buildings were damaged.

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