
He liked to brag about his photo in an embroidered shirt: the network told about a traitor businessman from Melitopol who feeds the occupiers. Video.

The network tells about a traitor businessman from Melitopol who feeds the occupiers

Anton Lukoyanov, a well-known businessman throughout Melitopol, sided with the occupiers. He systematically feeds Russian soldiers.

This is reported by the Telegram channel RIA-Melitopol. It is noteworthy that the traitor used to like to organise photo shoots in Ukrainian embroidered shirts and told everyone how much he loved Ukraine.


"This former head of the successful Melitopol Cherry Company, together with his artist wife Aksana Vlasenko, liked to organise bohemian parties for the rich: all kinds of beauty contests and presentations of the Most Beautiful Women of Melitopol magazine," the statement said.

In 2019, Lukoyanov ended his career with the aforementioned company.

"For almost 3 years, Lukoyanov did not work anywhere - he was preparing to welcome his 'brothers' with bread and salt. All these years, as it turns out now, he was making plans on how he would take away what had been created over other decades. Of course, Lukoyanov was well aware of the date of the invasion of Melitopol and acted according to a clearly developed plan," the statement said.

For his loyal service to the Russian Federation, the occupiers rewarded Anton Lukoyanov with the trump card position of first deputy head of the department of the so-called Zaporizhzhia Oblast Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).

In addition, he regularly supplied food to the Russian invaders.


Earlier, it was reported that the Russian authorities were extremely dissatisfied with Zaporizhzhia governor Yevhen Balytskyi. He was entrusted with the task, which he failed to fulfil, of selecting and nominating candidates from United Russia to run in the elections to the legislative assembly of Zaporizhzhia region.

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, the traitor Yevhen Balytskyi, the Russian-appointed governor of the temporarily occupied part of Zaporizhzhia region, has a new adviser. It is the odious former Minister of Education and Science under fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych, Dmytro Tabachnyk.

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