
What signs will be especially happy by the end of summer: astrologers' forecast

Gemini, Leo, and Libra will be aided by the power of Jupiter and Venus until the end of summer. Source: Created with the help of AI

We usually perceive summer as a period of happiness and optimism. But for some zodiac signs, it can be especially successful.

According to astrologers, the position of the planet of success Jupiter, and the planet of love and abundance Venus will be the most favorable for them. Together, they will bring great success to those born under these signs. Read this horoscope to find out if your sign is on this blessed list.


Jupiter, the planet of prosperity, began its year-long stay in your sign in May. This bodes well for a particularly successful summer. This is the perfect time to believe in yourself and that circumstances will work in your favor. You will feel in sync with the Universe and great opportunities will open up.

September will be especially favorable for you. Starting on the 14th, Jupiter in your sign will form a benefic trine with Venus. This combination of two favorable planets in powerful sectors of your natal chart will give you an exciting sense of possibility and interconnectedness. Take advantage of this cosmic blessing to realize your dreams and ambitions. Allow the unbridled energy of Jupiter and the charm of Venus to guide you through a season filled with happy moments and wonderful surprises.


This summer, Mercury will go retrograde through your sign. However, even this won't stop you from being in a good mood. First, the auspicious planet Jupiter will spend the entire summer in your eleventh house, which is naturally associated with success, hopes, and desires. In addition, the graceful Venus will illuminate your sign from July 11 to August 4, giving you a special charm and making it easier to achieve your goals.

Exciting adventures and new acquaintances await you. You will feel yourself synchronizing with the Universe and start to look forward to the future with optimism. On August 7, the Sun in your sign will enter a harmonious aspect with Jupiter, which will bring you many favorable moments. Embrace this period of cosmic favor. Allow the alignment of the celestial bodies to guide you to fulfill your desires and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. This summer promises to be a season of growth, joy, and prosperity for you.


Lucky Jupiter spends the entire summer in your ninth house, which is associated with adventure, exploration, and destiny. This is the perfect time to confidently seize every opportunity that comes your way. Thanks to favorable astrological signs, this summer will be a time for you to be optimistic, broaden your horizons, and believe that risk can be rewarding.

One of the highlights will come on September 14, when Jupiter makes a benefic trine to your cosmic ruler Venus. This arrangement of two favorable planets in stimulating areas of your natal chart will give you an intoxicating sense of magic and harmony. Even your deepest desires will come true quite easily. Embrace this period. Use the adventurous energy of Jupiter to explore new possibilities and let the charm of Venus help you achieve your goals. This summer promises to be a time of growth and fulfillment of dreams.

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