
Spathiphyllum will bloom like never before: the ideal place in the apartment for "female happiness" has been named, but there is a nuance

Yulia PoteriankoNews
It is important to create optimal conditions for spathiphyllum to bloom. Source: Created with the help of AI

Spathiphyllum, popularly nicknamed "female happiness," is a houseplant with very beautiful lush foliage. But it is most appreciated not for its foliage, but for its delicate white flowers. However, sometimes the flowering of spathiphyllum can be delayed.

Experts say that the reason may lie in the fact that the pot with your spathiphyllum is in the wrong place. OBOZ.UA found out where the flower will feel best and bloom soon.

First of all, you should pay attention to the origin of the plant. Spathiphyllum is native to hot and humid Central America. So, when kept indoors, it will feel best in similar conditions.

And where is it usually warmest and most humid in our homes? Of course, in the bathroom and kitchen. But don't rush to move the pot there right away.

Be sure to pay attention to the lighting in the room. Although spathiphyllums survive in shaded corners, this is not the optimal environment for them. Therefore, you can't expect flowering in it. The plant prefers indirect but bright sunlight. Then it will be happy to form buds and bloom.

To stimulate the development of flowers, make sure that the plant is in the best possible conditions, and don't forget to feed it every two weeks.

It will also benefit from bi-weekly fertilization. Another procedure necessary for spathiphyllum is to wipe the leaves from dust. The cleaner they are, the more efficiently photosynthesis will occur in the plant. And thus, all life processes will proceed better. If the room where your spathiphyllum will do best is still not humid enough, then try to spray it regularly.

Also, make sure that the plant has a sufficiently spacious pot. How to determine this? Take a closer look at how often the foliage on the "woman's happiness" wilts. If it does, it's time to move. Another indicator is the diameter of the crown. It should be about a third larger than the diameter of the pot. If the flower has outgrown this indicator, it should be transplanted.

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