
Russia refused to participate in the Olympics-2024, but not entirely

Oleksandr ChekanovNews
Pozdnyakov speaks about the 2024 Olympics

The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) will not send its athletes to the 2024 Games in Paris next summer. At the same time, the organization will not prevent some athletes from participating in competitions in a neutral status without the national flag and anthem.

This was stated by the President of the Russian Federation Stanislav Pozdnyakov on the air of the Match TV propaganda TV channel. The official from the aggressor country was outraged that Russian athletes were offered to sign declarations condemning Russia's criminal war against Ukraine to participate in international tournaments.

Russia refused to participate in the Olympics-2024, but not entirely
Russia refused to participate in the Olympics-2024, but not entirely

"There should be Russian athletes at the Games. But it will be difficult to call them fully Russian because the conditions that the IOC puts forward in its recommendations to international sports federations, including the signing of certain political declarations, call into question the very essence of the athletes' competition. If you ask me how many Russian athletes will take part in the 2024 Olympics, I will say that they will not participate, but some neutral athletes will go," Pozdnyakov said.

Russia refused to participate in the Olympics-2024, but not entirely

Earlier, the head of the ROC "gave out" information about the "health status" of Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin. As a reminder, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has temporarily expelled the ROC, which illegally included Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson councils in its membership.

Russia refused to participate in the Olympics-2024, but not entirely

As OBOZ.UA reported, Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin accused the IOC of "ethnic discrimination" against Russians. In response, the organization put the Russian president in his place.

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