
Roses can die: experts have named a safe method of fighting aphids

Alina MilsentNews
Roses in the garden. Source: Created with the help of AI

Growing large and lush garden roses is not easy. These are capricious and demanding flowers that instantly react to the slightest fluctuation in moisture or change in lighting conditions. Roses often suffer from pest attacks.

Aphids are extremely common in the summer months, but by noticing them as soon as they appear, you can save the plant from death. Experts told us how to get rid of aphids on roses.

Why aphids are dangerous

Aphids feed on the juice of rose leaves and buds. After the pest infestation, the flowers quickly fall off, and the leaves dry and deform. Aphids transmit viral and fungal diseases, including powdery mildew, further weakening roses.

These pests multiply very quickly, especially in hot and dry weather so that they can infect the entire garden in a short time.

Aphids usually hide on the underside of leaves or the stems of roses. If there are small insects or eggs in these places, it means that the plant is suffering from pests. Another obvious sign of aphids is a yellow coating, which is popularly called honeydew.

Aphids damage roses by piercing the plant with their mouths and sucking out the sap. This process can severely weaken the plant and cause a loss of water and nutrients.

Roses can die: experts have named a safe method of fighting aphids

How to get rid of aphids

Experts from Barnsdale Gardens emphasized that by detecting aphids in the early stages, it will be much easier to deal with them.

Experts recommended using one teaspoon of detergent per three liters of water. Spraying is best done before aphids start laying eggs and repeat the procedure every 7-10 days.

You can also use laundry soap. The bar should be grated and diluted with water at room temperature in a ratio of 3:10 - that is, 300 grams of soap requires 10 liters of water. When the soap is completely dissolved in water, you need to spray the plants with this solution, and after a few days, repeat the procedure.

Be sure to check the roses every time you water them so that you can take timely action. The number of pests usually decreases by the end of summer.

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