
Not just sea: interesting places of Odesa region you need to visit

Albina PanchenkoNews
Odesa: a tourist guide

This region is not only about azure beache but also about an amazing history and distinctive culture. We will tell you what sights are worth seeing below.

Frumushyka Nova

The village-museum is located in the open air. Here you can admire houses made in Gagauz, Ukrainian, Jewish and other styles. There is also the largest sheep farm in Europe on the territory.

This is not only a place for family vacations but also for green tourism. You can find the statue of a shepherd. It is the largest granite monument in the world. Its height is more than 17 meters.

Not just sea: interesting places of Odesa region you need to visit

Shabo Wine Culture Center

Here you can see a sculpture of a vine, walk through a labyrinth, and go down into ancient cellars. You can also take a look at the factory where alcoholic beverages are made. A special room has been set up for those who enjoy tasting. You can also buy a souvenir in the branded shop and visit the cinema.


One of the oldest cities in Ukraine. It was founded in 498. Here are the ruins of the ancient Greek polis of Tira and the well-preserved Akkerman fortress. Exhibitions, festivals, and various celebrations are held on its territory.

Do not miss the underground church of St. John of Suceava, an outstanding architectural monument of national importance. To get inside, you have to go down a lot of stairs. By the way, the Scythian Tomb is located not far from the church. The tomb has been standing here since the first century BC. But, given its age, it was discovered relatively recently, in 1895.

You can get here not only by car but also by bus and train.

Tuzly Estuaries

A national reserve that is very popular with travelers. It is home to more than 260 species of birds, 53 of which are listed in the Red Book. The total area of the territory is 28 thousand hectares. This place attracts tourists with the beauty of flora and fauna. So be sure to take pictures as a souvenir.

By the way, this year the Tuzly Estuaries werevisited by pink-winged flamingos again.

Not just sea: interesting places of Odesa region you need to visit

Vylkove village

Locals call it "Ukrainian Venice". The houses here are located literally on the water. And each owner has his own boat. It is used as a means of transportation.

By the way, a documentary of the same name was even made about this village and its inhabitants. We recommend watching it before your trip.

Also, visit the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. This place has the highest degree of protection from human impact. Therefore, part of the territory is closed to the public. However, tourists are allowed to explore the zero kilometer. Most often, migratory birds nest here. There are more than 300 species of them.

Not just sea: interesting places of Odesa region you need to visit

Kuialnyk Estuary

A resort with therapeutic iodized mud and natural clay cosmetic procedures. The water of the reservoir is pink due to the high content of trace elements. It also has incredible sunsets. Therefore, the location should definitely be included in the list of tourist attractions.

The distance from the center of Odesa is short: only 13 kilometers. Therefore, you can even get here by bicycle.

An important point: be sure to take fresh water with you.

Kurisiv Palace-Estate

This estate is located in the village of Petrivka (Kurisove). It used to belong to a lieutenant colonel. After his death, the building turned into an agricultural school. In 1990 there was a fire, so only ruins remained of the estate.

Today the castle stands on the territory of the Petrivka State Agricultural College. The monument still reflects the grandeur of the XIX century.

Not just sea: interesting places of Odesa region you need to visit


A complex system of intricate labyrinths and tunnels, more than 2.5 thousand kilometers long. Previously, building stone and shell rock were mined here. By the way, a shelter was even constructed underground in case of an atomic war.

To get to the catacombs, you need to sign up for an excursion in advance.

Marynivka village

Here you can feel the tradition of the Black Sea Cossacks. You can also get acquainted with Ukrainian culture. During the walk in the village, you are treated to bread and lard.

You can also attend a wickerwork workshop. And wear traditional clothes for a photo shoot.

Republic of Roses

The picturesque farm was founded in 1995. More than 500 varieties of roses grow here. This is a real flower paradise for tourists. The best time to visit is from early spring to late fall.

Barberries, boxwood, bird cherry, sugar peach, almonds, and much more are also grown and sold in the valley. Be sure to take part in a sightseeing tour. You will be treated with jam, medicinal tinctures and liquor.

Oyster farm

Located on the shore of the cleanest body of water in Ukraine, Tylihul Estuary. It was opened by entrepreneur Andriy Pihulevskyi in 2014. He wanted to revive the culture of eating these marine mollusks in our country. And he certainly succeeded.

To learn about the peculiarities of oyster cultivation, you can book a sightseeing tour with a tasting.

The Man-Wolf Manor (Dubiecki Manor)

The most famous patient of the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud, Serhiy Pankeiev, grew up and lived here. Later he moved to Vienna, and his house was robbed. In Soviet times, a village council was organized there. Today, only ruins remain of the building. However, the location still attracts the attention of travelers. It is perfect for unique and thematic photos.

Outdoor activities or a trip to the incredible sights of the Odesa region: it's up to you. But remember that air raid alerts are often heard in the city and region. So be careful.

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