
How to save plants in the garden after hail and thunderstorms: tips

Anna OnishchenkoNews
What to do in the garden after hail and thunderstorms. Source: freepik.com

Growing plants is a big responsibility. In order to get a good harvest, you need to put a lot of love and work into it.

However, nature can be unpredictable, so despite your best efforts, harsh weather conditions can cause significant damage to your plants. Fortunately, the Family and Home magazine has told you how to save them after hail and thunderstorms.

If the plants are healthy, strong, and not too badly damaged after the weather, they can recover on their own. They may bend, leaves may tear, and flowers may crumple, but in about 2 weeks, flowers, bushes, seedlings, etc. will return to normal, so do not try to prop them up and feed them under stress. It is enough to remove broken branches and leaves.

Garden after bad weather

Trees and shrubs can be severely damaged by severe thunderstorms and hail. Branches can break off, and humidity will promote the spread of infections among damaged and weak plants. Therefore, after the storm has passed, you need to collect all the debris, break off the broken branches completely or tie them up if they are too large, and treat the garden with fungicides.

Also, treat the places where the branches broke off with garden varnish and wrap them with grafting tape. Over the next few weeks, water the plants well to allow them to recover and 7 days after the storm, fertilize damaged trees and shrubs with a complex fertilizer.

Flower garden after bad weather

If more than 50% of the foliage is damaged, it should be cut off so that it does not contribute to the reproduction of pests and diseases. Unfortunately, damaged flowers and broken stems cannot be saved. Therefore, you need to cut them off at a 45-degree angle about 6 mm above the last bud of the undamaged stem. This will stimulate the emergence of new shoots.

Damaged annuals should be dug up and planted again if the weather was bad in early summer.

After hail and thunderstorms at the end of August, cover the bases of damaged plants with a layer of mulch to prepare them for winter. At this time, you do not need to apply fertilizers that promote the growth of green mass.

How to save plants in the garden after hail and thunderstorms: tips

The garden after bad weather

Hail and thunderstorms pose a particular danger to vegetable gardens, especially in the middle of the season. If only the tops of the plants are damaged, there is still a chance that they will sprout lateral shoots. But if the weather has completely destroyed the leaves, then they will have to be dug up. Also remove damaged fruits, as they will rot and attract pests.

The entire garden should also be sprayed with anti-stress drugs. However, before doing this, read the instructions and pay attention to the stage of fruit ripening and the timing of the treatment.

Three days after the treatment, you can fertilize the plants with organic fertilizers or compost at the root.

How to protect plants from the weather

If bad weather and strong winds are a common occurrence in your area, you should build a fence, plant stable bushes, or hang a windbreaker to cover the plants. Also, try to plant shrubs, trees, and crops with low crowns, narrow leaves, and deep root systems, and always prune them on time.

Do not anchor young trees tightly to allow them to swing. For sprawling plants, tie up inner branches, and cover small flowers or sprouts with buckets, cut-off bottles, etc. before hail or thunderstorms begin.

To avoid flooding of crops, make drainage channels or closed drainage.

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