
Detailed horoscope for July: what dates will be key

Horoscope for July 2024. Source: Created with the help of AI

July will bring many exciting events and unexpected news. This is a month of development, cooperation, personal transformation, and new acquaintances. If you've been thinking about plans or ideas for a long time, it's time to act.

Astrologers highlight the New Moon in Cancer, the Venus and Sun entering Leo, and the Full Moon in Capricorn. In the second half of July, the planet of power and motivation Mars will enter Gemini, a celestial event that encourages you to explore new ideas and take on numerous projects.

Key astrological dates in July

  • July 3 - Mercury enters Leo.
  • July 5 - New Moon in Cancer.
  • July 9 - the approach of the astroid Pallas.
  • July 11 - Venus enters Leo.
  • July 20 - Mars enters Gemini.
  • July 21 - Full Moon in Capricorn.
  • July 22 - The Sun enters Leo.
  • July 25 - Mercury enters Virgo.
  • July 26 - Chiron retrograde.


Mercury and Venus move into Leo, and your 5th house will shine with passion and endless creativity. Expect your love life to become more playful and exciting, and your projects to bring recognition and financial rewards. The New Moon in Cancer signals a new stage in family relationships. It's a great time to communicate and share ideas, but focus on what you care about. It's also worth reconsidering your career goals - July will be the perfect time to launch new projects.


In July, you will have to face important realizations about your family life, finances, and personal beliefs. With Mercury and Venus illuminating Leo in your 4th house, your focus will be on family ties and creating a cozy home atmosphere. This is the perfect time for renovations or interesting gatherings. Mars moving into Gemini strengthens your 2nd house of finance, offering opportunities to increase your income.


Get ready for lively conversations and new creative inspirations that energize your daily interactions. The New Moon in Cancer illuminates your 2nd house, signaling the emergence of new sources of income. This is a great time to focus on budgeting, increasing opportunities, or investing wisely for future stability. You will feel a boost of confidence and perseverance.


As Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 2nd house, expect positive changes in your finances. It's a great time of the day to study, travel, and build self-esteem. This is a period to embrace your true self and move forward with renewed confidence in all areas of life. Meanwhile, Mars entering Gemini in your 12th house will stir up dreams and intuition, encouraging you to think deeply about subconscious patterns and avoid making hasty decisions.


It all starts with accepting your true self and discovering your power. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 1st house, you will embody confidence and attract opportunities by expressing your authenticity. It's time to shine brightly and take the spotlight. The New Moon in Cancer in your 12th house begins a phase of inner reflection and renewal, encouraging you to let go of subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you.


A period of introspection and growth is ahead. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 12th house, it's the perfect time to slow down and explore your imagination and subconscious. Mars entering Gemini fills your 10th house with energy, stimulating confidence and perseverance in your career. You can take advantage of this cosmic support to express your terms and advance your professional goals, but be careful about arguments.


Your dreams will come true. July brings bright energy to your professional and personal life. A Cancer New Moon in your 10th house improves your career direction, encouraging you to take on more responsibility and realize long-term goals. Mars entering Gemini energizes your 9th house, inspiring you to discover your talents and participate in interesting activities. This can lead to travel plans or collaborations.


This is the best time to launch new projects, set conditions, and realize your ambitions. The Cancer New Moon will inspire you to follow a path that aligns with your passions and beliefs. Mars entering Gemini encourages you to slow down and do some deep inner work. Unresolved issues may come to the surface.


You're about to embark on a dramatic journey of self-discovery and deep connections. Expect breakthroughs as you engage your mind and share your ideas with others. This time will encourage self-examination and learning. The Capricorn Full Moon in your 2nd house marks the conclusion of past financial affairs, paving the way for a renewed sense of self-worth. Embrace the purity of your passions for deep inner healing and growth. July will guide you toward clarity and empowerment.


July will be a month of reflective travel and deep transformation. The New Moon in Cancer in your 7th house signals a new beginning for partnerships. Mars in Gemini energizes your 6th house, warning you not to pay too much attention to gossip and to focus on productivity in financial matters. Celebrate your growth, make peace with your past, and move forward with confidence.


This month promises a dynamic interplay of energies as Mercury and Venus ignite passion and creativity. Embrace this fiery influence to strengthen connections and engage in creative projects that reflect your unique personality. The Cancer New Moon in your 6th house brings awareness to your health and daily routines. Take advantage of this opportunity to improve your productivity.


July brings transformative energy as Mercury and Venus inspire you to take on new endeavors. This is a time for creativity and self-expression. Take control of your dreams and nurture romantic connections while prioritizing your real needs. Over the next few months, Chiron retrograde in your 2nd house will bring favorable aspects to financial matters. This period of inner exploration will lay a solid foundation for future prosperity and personal fulfillment.

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