
Why some people consider themselves aliens and feel like strangers on Earth

Dmytro IvancheskulLife
If you feel like an alien in a human body, you may just be too trusting

The idea that there are people on planet Earth who come from other worlds and have come here to help humanity may sound like pure madness, but it is not. In this case, people fall into the psychological traps of manipulators who make them believe that they are aliens.

Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Cognitive and Parapsychology at Manchester Metropolitan University Ken Drinkwater, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Huddersfield Andrew Denovan, and Lecturer in Applied Cognitive Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University Neil Dagnall explained in an article for The Conversation why some people feel like strangers on Earth.

Who are star people?

The idea of star people (or star seeds) living on our planet is attributed to Brad Steiger, who presented his idea that some people come from other dimensions in his 1976 book The Gods of Aquarius.

Starseed is a form of New Age faith that developed in the 1970s. Alternative beliefs of those years viewed existence from the perspective of the universe and focused on spirituality as well as the self. Other features include reincarnation, karma, and the possibility of reaching a higher level of consciousness.

Star people believe that they are aliens who have come to Earth from other dimensions. Their goal is allegedly to heal the planet and lead humanity to a "golden age" - a period of great happiness, prosperity and achievement.

Some people might shake their head at this, but in reality, millions of such videos are being shared on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. Just search for the hashtag #starseed and you'll see for yourself.

Unlike earthly people, those who consider themselves to be starseeds believe that they are conduits between the divine worlds and the Earth, and that they can travel between galaxies through meditation.

Star people also claim to be able to communicate in the "light language", which is the language of the soul and is superior to any communication abilities of ordinary people.

How to tell if you are a star person

Believers say there are several ways to do this. Among the signs of such people are a constant search for the meaning of life and a lack of belonging to humanity. Such people are inclined towards spirituality and have a strong sense of intuition.

They also have a well-developed empathic connection. They are very sensitive and have physical and mental health problems because their souls are not used to the human body.

Since trying to help people drains them, they need to recharge and therefore like to spend time alone.

Star people always strive to explore and learn about new cultures and spheres in order to give ordinary people new knowledge about existence. Among such "help" are conspiracy theories about the origin of society, holistic medical practices, and theories about ancient aliens and civilisations.

A trap for everyone

According to psychologists, the very description of celebrities is a trap that anyone can fall into, as it describes feelings and experiences that most people have experienced at one point or another. After all, who among us does not search for the meaning of life and sometimes feels like a stranger among people.

Psychologists explain that such feelings are often associated with depression.

But for the fact that ordinary people suddenly begin to realise that they are aliens (although no one has ever seen aliens), the Faure effect is responsible - a phenomenon named after Bertram Faure. He is the psychologist who first discovered that people can be easily persuaded to agree with vague descriptions of themselves. It is this effect that explains people's belief in horoscopes.

Belief in star people is also explained by the growing distrust of science and doubts about the traditional perception of reality.

People who are often immersed in fantasies and may confuse imaginary and real events are also prone to believing in their extraterrestrial origins. Such confusion in reality eventually leads them to believe that they possess an alien consciousness.

Psychologists call this phenomenon the source monitoring error. This is an unconscious mistake when a person gets confused between what is real and authentic and what is unreal and fictional.

This condition is often a sign of schizophrenia. Earlier studies have found a link between schizotypal personality disorder, which is considered a mild form of schizophrenia, and belief in various conspiracy theories.

The belief in one's own extraterrestrial origin is also influenced by the Einstein effect, when a person trusts a source of information not because it is competent, but because the source is popular on social media.

In the case of star people, several books published by major publishing houses also contributed to the spread of the theory, giving the concept a sense of credibility.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL also talked about the theory of scientists that alien life will be so different from ours that it may not even understand that people are living beings.

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