
What to do in June in the garden: a list of works that will protect the harvest

Yulia PoteriankoLife
There is a lot of work in June in the vegetable garden, the garden, and the flower garden.

June has come into its own, and many plants have already formed ovaries and are beginning to ripen. But that doesn't mean gardeners can finally rest. This is a very busy month, when the garden and vegetable garden should be taken care of particularly carefully, so as not to lose the harvest.

OBOZREVATEL made a list of works that should be done in June. They will help to get a lot of fruit by the end of the season.

Gardening work

The list of tasks here is really not very long. But they are all important and attention should be paid to all of them.

Sowing vegetables - it is not too late to put the seeds of fast maturing varieties in the ground. These can be cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, parsley, cauliflower, turnips, daikon, etc. It's also a good time to plant perennial crops like spinach, sorrel, chives. All sorts of salad greens can be finished. It will come to fruition when the plants planted in May have already calmed down.

Control of pests and diseases - it is in June, after planting in the open soil, you need to be especially careful to ensure that the plants are not sick and do not suffer from pests. At this time, spraying against insects, tilling the ground to get rid of weeds and pests living in the soil.

Fertilizing and taking care of the soil - plants need extra nutrition now to form fruit, and it's a good time to shovel and mulch the soil to keep it moist. With a hot July and August ahead, this work will do a lot of good.

Supporting - climbing crops like cucumbers, legumes and pumpkins actively grow green mass and need wallpaper or other supports. That way their fruits will get maximum sunshine. Soon enough, these plants will be fully mature and it will not be so easy to arrange them on supports.

Pruning strawberry whiskers - if you plan to propagate the berry, leave only the whiskers from which you want to get new plants. If your goal is just the harvest itself, remove the whiskers completely. Also mulch the strawberry bed so that more moisture is retained under the plant and the berries are larger and sweeter.

Gardening chores

For gardeners, June is one of the hottest months of the year. There is a lot of care for trees and shrubs.

Nourishment - just like vegetable crops, garden plants now need to enrich the soil in which they grow. It is good to apply nitrogen fertilizers and mineral complexes at this time. You can also use organic fertilizers. The main thing is to dilute them well with water so that they do not damage the roots of plants. It's also time to feed the plants by spraying.

Pest control - Trees and shrubs should be checked for pests every day. The earlier the problem is discovered, the easier it will be to deal with. When using insecticides, it is important to follow the dosage instructions clearly and keep track of when the substances should produce results and when the fruit will be safe after treatment.

Pruning and removing excess shoots - a large number of branches makes the tree less efficient when it comes to growing fruit. So in June, it's time to start removing excess shoots from trees and shrubs. It is better to do this when they are young and can be plucked by hand rather than cut off with a secateurs. You can also cut branches with excess fruit, if the ovary was too much - in this case, the fruits will not grow very tasty if they are not thinned. And also at this time the blooming season of lilacs, forsythia, magnolias ends, which means that they can be cut to get even more flowers next year.

Protection from birds - cherries, raspberries, cherries, plums and other berries are very loved by birds. Therefore, the harvest can already be covered from them with a special net.

Propagation by cuttings - if you plan to propagate your plants, then in June their cuttings are still young enough and therefore will quickly take root. Usually the cuttings are the part of the shoot with two internodes and three buds. They are cut, buried in the ground, covered with a greenhouse and watered regularly.

Trimming shrubs - If you grow ornamental shrubs or have a hedge in the garden, the new shoots will still be young and soft enough in June to easily cut off the excess. The cut branches can be used for cuttings or put in compost.

Preparing the grapes - In June, remove stems from the vine, and ration the future harvest and pinch the shoots so the plant doesn't get too big.

Grafting care - If you have grafted garden trees in the spring, check that all grafts have taken root. Remove any that are weak or have failed; they will take away strength from the plant. Also prune shoots which are growing too fast so that they do not break under the weight of the leaves.

Flowerbed work

Flowers also need care in June. Many of them are in the flowering stage or getting ready to bloom.

Care for bulbs - Tulips and other bulb flowers that you plan to propagate need to be dug up after the blooming is over and the leaves have turned yellow. The dug up bulbs should be dried in the shade, cleaned of soil residue, sorted and stored in a shaded, well-ventilated room until fall.

Fertilize flowering plants - Flowering shrubs like lilacs, jasmine or early roses should be trimmed after they finish blooming to form crowns and then fertilized to keep them growing well into the summer. Peonies, poppies, and other flowers whose season has passed are also in need of fertilizing.

Building supports - Just like vegetables, climbing flowers in June are still flexible enough to braid supports well. So it's a good time to build them.

Previously OBOZREVATEL told which fertilizers will not benefit neither vegetables nor fruits.

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