
These things spoil the energy of the house: psychologists have named the junk that should be disposed of

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Don't hold on to things that don't make you happy

Our psyche is going through an extremely difficult time right now, so we don't need any more negative emotions. Meanwhile, we are often surrounded by many things that make us unhappy, even if we don't realise it.

The ArchZiner blog advises you to look around you, identify items that seem to accumulate negative energy and cause you to feel heavy emotions, and get rid of them. We will tell you what these things can be below.

Books you don't read

A large library looks nice in a photo, but what good is it? Especially in a small city apartment. It clutters up space and collects dust - that's all. Go through your books. Give some to the library, give some to friends or exchange them at a bookcrossing, and keep only the most necessary or especially favourite volumes. Read what is relevant to you right now. And part with it easily.

Unused make-up cosmetics

While we usually use up our care products completely, this is not always the case with make-up. For example, when was the last time you ran out of an eyeshadow palette? In the meantime, cosmetics expire, lose their basic properties, and eventually become dangerous to your skin. Just throw it away - your face, like your home, deserves better.

Children's things around the house

No, you don't need to throw Lego bricks in the trash as soon as you step on them again with your bare feet. But you shouldn't clutter up your space with toys, educational books, puzzles, and children's clothes either. Therefore, from an early age, playfully teach your child to put things away immediately. Let cars go to the garage, dolls and teddy bears go to their beds, puzzles and construction sets go into boxes, and books go on the shelves.

Old newspapers and magazines

While books often remain relevant for years and can actually be useful to you for a long time, the press cannot boast of this. But it's not inferior in terms of dust-collecting properties. Do you remember the last time you leafed through an archived magazine issue? It was the same. Feel free to blow the dust off the binder thrown into the far corner and send it to a recycling centre.

Items from your childhood

All those favourite dolls and teddy bears are terribly sentimental things. That's why it's so hard for us to part with them. But try an experiment - first, hide them away for at least a month or two. How often will you think about them if they disappear from your sight? If never, then it's time for you to part ways. You can give some things a second life by giving them to your friends' children or to charity. If, of course, these things are suitable for this.

Dust collectors as souvenirs

All these travel magnets, figurines, pictures, postcards, souvenirs from friends are great and so pleasing at the time of purchase or gift. But then the problems begin when they turn your home into a museum of unexplained things. Psychologists say that such clutter increases the level of irritability, while feng shui experts say that it blocks the energy of the house. So what should you do if you want to please your loved ones and not block any important channel of communication with space? Instead of a keychain with the Eiffel Tower that you don't know how many times you've seen, bring something edible. This is a positive emotion in the moment, and a reason for a small friendly party, and no extra junk.

Materials for a neglected hobby

From time to time, many of us try some new and exciting activities - beadwork, macrame weaving, pottery. But then the routine takes over again, and the materials bought for the unsuccessful hobby become a dead weight. So, if you haven't done something for two years, try to find new owners who will really need them. At the same time, make room for a new hobby that you might have better luck with.

Old and broken cables

For the last 15 years or so, we've been spending our lives as if we were strapped to a power socket. So the number of chargers, adapters and other gadget cables has roughly equalled the number of cobwebs that our great-grandmothers collected in their homes before the big spring cleaning. Therefore, cables should be treated in the same way as cobwebs - by getting rid of them. Moreover, technology is developing so rapidly that all this junk is unlikely to come in handy again.

Things with negative associations

Gifts from unpleasant people, objects that remind you of injuries and illnesses, things belonging to ex-lovers - as a rule, they are lying somewhere in the farthest corner, and when they do come to your attention, they make you shudder. You do not need this stress and even the risk of this stress. Say goodbye to unpleasant artefacts of the past. Instead, get yourself a box for pleasant memories - this is exactly what you need.

As OBOZREVATEL wrote, you can go further and radically get rid of all the junk and unnecessary things. Blogger Anna Goncharova, who is an expert in minimalism, told us how to get rid of all unnecessary things.

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