
How to determine soil acidity: a simple method

Alina MilsentLife
How to determine soil acidity without special strips

Horticultural crops, trees and flowers have certain preferences regarding soil acidity. This is a fundamental factor that determines the growth and development of plants, as well as the quality of the harvest.

Unfavorable acidity will deaden the plant slowly. How to determine the acidity of the soil, read OBOZREVATEL material.

What is the danger of high acidity

Most plants prefer slightly acidic, neutral or slightly alkaline soils. High acidity usually inhibits useful microflora and affects the level of assimilation of fertilizers. Without mineral nutrition, plants will not assimilate beneficial substances in sufficient quantities.

How to determine the acidity of the soil

Acidity is most often determined with the help of special litmus papers. But experienced vegetable gardeners recommend to try a lifehack with boiling water and currant leaves.

  1. In a transparent container, pour hot water and put currant leaves.
  2. Wait until the water cools down completely.
  3. Strain the water and add a lump of earth from the bed.

Watch to see if the liquid changes color.

Red color indicates that the soil on the site is acidic.

Green color signals weak acidity.

Blue indicates a neutral reaction.

What plants like acidic soil

Gardeners also have a list of plants-indicators of the pH level. The presence of acidic soil is indicated by:

  • daisies;
  • mosses;
  • plantains;
  • horsetail;
  • mint;
  • sorrel.

If corn lily has started to grow on your bed, you can be sure that the soil has a neutral or slightly acidic pH.

The growth of wild poppy and field mustard is an indicator of alkaline soil type.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL shared six best options of flowers for the garden, which will grow in any conditions.

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