Why indoor plant leaves turn yellow: there is an unobvious cause
Indoor plants not only create a cozy atmosphere in the house. They can purify the air from carbon dioxide, reduce dust, and increase humidity. Studies have shown that some plants also saturate the room with phytoncides, organic compounds that purify the air from many pathogens.
However, during the cold season, indoor plants can start to turn yellow and even shed their leaves. Read OBOZ.UA's article on why plant leaves turn yellow and how to save them.
Reason 1
Of course, all indoor plant lovers want their flowers to bloom well and have rich green leaves. The most common cause of yellowing is pests that can settle in the soil, causing various diseases.
Reason 2
In winter, plants can suffer from a lack of sunlight and drafts. Therefore, it is important to choose the right location with the optimal level of light and humidity.
Reason 3
In summer, sunburn and pest attacks are the main causes of leaf yellowing. And in the cold season, it can be caused by improper watering. Excessive moisture leads to waterlogging of the soil, damage to the root system, mold, and mildew. In winter, plants usually need less water. You can visually identify the problem not only by checking the substrate. The initial stage of waterlogging is indicated by another sign: the leaves begin to lose their elasticity and become soft and flabby. After that, the leaves turn brownish-yellow and fall off.
Cause 4
There are several obvious signs that a houseplant is suffering from drought. Insufficient watering primarily affects the condition of the leaf plate. That is, the yellowing process begins at the tips and continues along the edges of the leaves. At the same time, the plate itself gradually becomes thinner.
Reason 5
Be careful with spraying. The water should be infused and not too cold. If you spray the plant with cold water, it will not only lead to yellowing but also to drying of the leaves. Hard tap water can also cause plaque.
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