
Preparation for holidays or hard work: horoscope for all zodiac signs for November 29

Olga SolomkaLife
Good news for some signs

Leos will be preparing for the holidays and shopping. Although Sagittarius will have to work hard, they will be satisfied with the result.

Tarotist and prognosticator Olha Solomka has compiled a horoscope for all zodiac signs for November 29 exclusively for AstroOBOZ. Find out what awaits you.


Someone from the past will send you news. Perhaps an old friend, classmate, or childhood friend will call. It will be a pleasant surprise, and you can agree to keep in touch or even meet.


Your kindness can get you into trouble today as someone can take advantage of your empathy and gain your trust. Therefore, be careful about all the words and suggestions that are addressed to you.


You come to realize that you deserve better, and you will no longer work for the money you are paid. Thus, it's time to raise the price and talk to your superior about raising your salary.


You shouldn't plan anything grand today, but you can create order and beauty around you. This is a very favorable time for cleaning, minor repairs, design, and buying something for the home.


Preparations for the holidays are in full swing, so you are now in anticipation of a miracle, buying nice little things, gifts and home decor, as well as creating a wonderful holiday mood for yourself and others.


You will feel stuck as if your hands and feet are tied and you are limited in your movements and choices because someone is making those choices for you. There is a great chance of falling into a trap, so be careful and cautious.


You are completely immersed in your work, so nothing distracts you from the difficult tasks you face today. The main thing is that you stick to your timing and follow through on your plans.


Finally, you can go full throttle and set a couple of your own or world records for productivity or workaholism. Your strength and diligence will be appreciated today because you are being paid good money.


Although your work will be hard today, you are able to enjoy physical exertion and even moral satisfaction because you realize how important your work is.


Your self-esteem grows as you receive positive feedback on what you do. Of course, you know how great you are, but when someone very important and famous says so, you look at yourself with completely different eyes.


There will be an opportunity to showcase your talents. This will be a surprise and a real revelation for someone in your circle because your modesty hasn't allowed you to show everything you're capable of. All that remains is to monetize your talent.


You realize that you need to make additional investments in your business and yourself, and only then will you get promotion and development. Otherwise, you'll just be treading water and even heading backward.

As OBOZ.UA reported, the next five years will be crucial for many zodiac signs. They will have to make important decisions, take risky moves, and start new chapters in their relationships and careers.

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