
Don't let yourself be fooled! How to distinguish natural cottage cheese from fake: six tricks

Kateryna YagovychFood
How to distinguish a quality cheese from a fake. Source: pixabay.com

Sour milk cheese is a source of a lot of nutrients and vitamins. In addition, the product is the basis of many traditional dishes that adults and children love. And it is precisely this great demand that is enjoyed by unscrupulous producers. Therefore, consumers have the risk of buying a fake.

The editors of FoodOboz will tell you what should be in the composition of natural cottage cheese. Also about how to distinguish a quality product from counterfeit


What can be added to fermented cottage cheese to increase volume

It can be starch, vegetable fats, chalk, soda. All these components can hide the lack of freshness of the product, give an attractive appearance. With their help it is possible to save on production.

What do they use to replace milk fat

The main harmful component of counterfeit cheese is palm oil. It is the main substitute for milk fat. The addition of this ingredient is not regulated in any way, so it is impossible to determine the amount.


How to distinguish quality and natural cheese from fake:

The number of lactic acid bacteria.

The acceptable amount is no less than 1x10" 6 DEE per 1 gram;


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Counterfeit does not include the characteristic components of a natural product. That's why bad cheese will only have dairy products and sourdough on it. If you see pepsin and calcium chloride in the composition, don't worry. These are characteristic ingredients for natural cheese.

Shelf Life

Natural cottage cheese keeps freshness for 3-5 days. The highest quality keeps up to 36 hours.


How to determine freshness at the market

Pay attention to the color, moisture, smell and taste. If you have any doubts, do not buy such a product.

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