
The most harmful way of cooking is named: the reasons

Kateryna YagovychFood
The most harmful method of cooking. Source: bansaloilandfoods.com

Among all the methods of food processing, this is the most commonly used. Moreover, the food is very appetizing and tasty and it's quick to prepare. However, at the same time, it is very unhealthy.

Healthy eating consultant Olena Bislimaki (olena.bislimaki) shared her thoughts on which cooking method is the most harmful on her Instagram page. The consequences of eating food processed in this way are striking.

The expert notes that frying is the most harmful.

The most harmful way of cooking is named: the reasons

Fat content

Everyone is used to frying food traditionally with vegetable oil or animal fat. The frying process changes the quality of the food and increases its caloric content many times over, resulting in excess fat.


The most harmful way of cooking is named: the reasons

The more fried the food and the thicker the crust, the less protein your body will absorb.


The most harmful way of cooking is named: the reasons

The carcinogenic substances that can be formed from fat during frying are very poisonous indeed. The darker the color of the crust of your food, the more harmful substances (carcinogens) it contains.

Fried food is a direct path to cancer.

The most harmful way of cooking is named: the reasons

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