
Tea plaque on cups: three easiest ways to avoid it

Tetiana KoziukFood
How to avoid tea plaque on cups. Source: pixabay.com

Probably every housewife has faced such a problem as tea stains on cups. It's not so easy to get rid of, and harsh household chemicals often come into play. Still, it is quite possible to avoid this phenomenon.

The FoodOboz editorial team shares three of the easiest ways to avoid tea plaque on cups .

How to avoid tea plaque on cups

Water for brewing

It is important to remember that running water contains a large amount of impurities. They are combined with the tea pigment and create a coating. For this reason, it is best to use bottled water for brewing tea. It will not only help to avoid scum but also improve the taste of the drink.

It is best to use bottled water for brewing tea


In this case, everything is simple: if you add lemon to tea, the fruit acid will remove the tea pigments. As a result, the cup will remain clean.

To prevent plaque from remaining on the cups, it is recommended to add lemon to the tea


Just like in the previous case, adding milk to tea can significantly reduce, though not completely, the overwhelming amount of pigment.

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