
How to replace sugar in baking: top 5 safe alternatives

Tetiana KoziukFood
How to replace sugar in baking. Source: Pexels

If you don't like overly sweet baked goods or are just looking for a safer alternative to unhealthy sugar, there is one. Such substitutes can be ordinary fruits or dried fruits. They taste practically the same. However, you need to know how to add them to the dough correctly.

FoodOboz has gathered information for you and will tell you what fruits and dried fruits can replace sugar in baking, as well as how to add them to the dough.

What fruits can replace sugar in baking


Bananas are one of the best substitutes for classic white sugar. It is also very healthy. All you need to do is pre-mix 2-3 bananas with milk and then add them directly to the dough.

Is it possible to replace sugar with bananas

Pears and apples

In addition to bananas, you can sweeten the dough with the following fruits. The only thing is that you need to grate them on a fine grater until they are mashed. You can add any one fruit to the dough, or you can even combine them.

What fruits can replace sugar in baking

Figs and dates

In addition to fruit, dried fruits such as figs and dates can help replace sugar in baked goods. They turn the dough brown, so these alternatives are more suitable for cocoa desserts. All you need to do is first soak the dried fruit in water for a while. Then drain the water and grind the products.

Is it possible to replace sugar in baking with dried fruits

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