
How to clean dirty plates from yellow stains: top 4 ways

Tetiana KoziukFood
Dirty dishes. Source: daysoftheyear.com

Probably every housewife has faced such a problem as dirty dishes with yellowing at least once in her life. It's not always easy to clean it with conventional detergents, so folk remedies are used.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information and will tell you how to wash dirty dishes from yellow stains.

Dirty dishes

Baking soda

To use this method, take 1 liter of water and dissolve 2-3 tbsp of baking soda in it. Stir the solution and put the dirty plates in. After an hour, wash off the plaque with a regular sponge and wash the plates under running water.

Citric acid

It's simple: sprinkle citric acid on the dirty dishes and leave them for 20 minutes. When the time is up, rinse off the mixture and wash the dishes under running water.

How to wash dishes to shine

Hydrogen peroxide

Mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate the dirty dishes with the resulting mass and immediately wash them under running water.

Dry mustard

For this method, you need to dissolve a few spoons of dry mustard in warm water. Soak the dirty dishes in the resulting liquid and wash them under running water after an hour.

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