
Elementary milk dessert made of ryazhenka: freezes in the fridge

Kateryna YagovychFood
Elementary milk dessert made of ryazhenka: freezes in the fridge

Ryazhenka has a very mild and delicate taste. Therefore, it can be an excellent base for a delicious dessert. And for the mass to hold its shape and not to flow - it is worth adding gelatin. Also turn out very tasty and attractive, if you rub chocolate on top.

The idea of making a simple dessert from ryazhenka, which freezes in the fridge, is published on the page of food blogger Irina Dimitrova(iriska_dimitrova) on Instagram. It is very convenient to serve such a dessert in portions at cremations.



  • 850 g ryazhenka
  • 140-160 grams of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa
  • 20 gr instant gelatin
  • 100 ml cold boiled water
  • 2 tbsp cocoa (for 2nd layer)
  • grated chocolate

Method of preparation:


1. Add the sugar and cocoa to the ryazhenka. Mix well with a whisk or mixer.


2. pour cold water over quick-soluble gelatin and let it swell. Melt in a water bath or in the microwave and mix into the mass.


3: Pour most of the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.

Mix the remaining mixture (about 1/5-1/6) with 2 tablespoons of cocoa.


5. When the 1st dessert layer has slightly set, spread the top layer evenly and put it in the fridge again for about 2 hours.


6. The finished dessert is garnished with grated chocolate.

Also on OBOZREVATEL, you can read the recipes:

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