
Chocolate dessert that doesn't need to be baked: freezes in the refrigerator

Kateryna YagovychFood
Delicious chocolate dessert without an oven. Source: Alina FooDee on YouTube

To avoid spending a lot of time making cakes, you can make a delicious dessert without an oven. The mass is prepared based on gelatin, so it freezes perfectly in the refrigerator. The taste is very delicate and airy.

The idea of making a no-bake chocolate dessert was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Tati Chudnova (chudnova.food).

Chocolate dessert that doesn't need to be baked: freezes in the refrigerator


  • gelatin – 20 gr + 100 ml. cold milk
  • egg yolks – 3 pcs
  • sugar – 70 g
  • cocoa – 15 g
  • milk – 200 ml
  • chocolate – 50 g
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet (10 g)
  • sour cream – 350 g

Method of preparation:

Chocolate dessert that doesn't need to be baked: freezes in the refrigerator

1. Pour gelatin with milk and leave to swell.

2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Put them in a saucepan and mix with sugar and cocoa until smooth.

Chocolate dessert that doesn't need to be baked: freezes in the refrigerator

3. Pour in the milk, stir, and put on the fire.

4. When the mass is hot, add the chocolate, stir, bring to a boil, and remove from heat.

Chocolate dessert that doesn't need to be baked: freezes in the refrigerator

5. Add the swollen gelatin and mix. Leave to cool slightly.

6. Add vanilla sugar to the sour cream and mix.

Chocolate dessert that doesn't need to be baked: freezes in the refrigerator

7. Pour into the sour cream, egg mixture with chocolate and mix until smooth.

8. Pour the mixture into the mold and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Chocolate dessert that doesn't need to be baked: freezes in the refrigerator

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