
It can destroy lives! 4 phrases you should never say to children

Some phrases you should not say to children

Some parents, under the influence of negative emotions, may not watch what they say to their children. However, when talking to kids, you should be especially careful, because even a seemingly innocent phrase can have a negative impact on them.

And in some cases, a reckless remark or reproach can ruin a child's life. The editors of the Wskazowki website spoke about dangerous phrases (to see the photo, scroll to the bottom of the page).

"It's nothing, it doesn't hurt, it's not scary"

In childhood, people get acquainted with the world around them and determine for themselves what they are afraid of, what worries them and how painful a particular injury is. It is important to make it clear that the child is supported and sympathised with, rather than devalued for his or her experiences.

Devaluing their problems in the future can lead to fatal consequences. For example, as an adult, a person will ignore the symptoms of an illness, considering them insignificant, which can lead to health problems.

"I don't care what you want"

You should listen to your child's wishes, even if it seems that you know better. Sometimes let your child decide for himself or herself and take responsibility for it, otherwise, in the future, he or she will not be able to defend themselves and will be easily manipulated.


"All in..."

Comparing a child to an adult relative is not a good idea. Usually this phrase is used in a negative context, which can make a child doubt the authority of the adult with whom he or she is being compared.

"Don't disgrace me."

The child sees parents as the most authoritative adults, whom he or she usually does not want to upset. A remark that your child is embarrassing you can permanently and completely cut off his or her self-confidence, expressiveness and activity, which are not bad qualities. Children should not be "convenient" and please everyone, so you should be more patient and understanding.


Earlier, OBOZREVATEL wrote about the phrases of "toxic" people who should be avoided. Such people boost their self-esteem at the expense of others.

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