
A monument to Hryhorii Chapkis was erected three years after his death: what the legendary choreographer's grave looks like. Video

A monument to Hryhorii Chapkis was erected three years after his death

A monument was erected on the grave of the legendary Ukrainian choreographer Hryhorii Chapkis three years after his death. His memory was immortalized in this way as a result of the public outcry that took place last year and then reminded of itself in early summer.

Then blogger Vanya Russell expressed his indignation at the lack of proper care for the People's Artist's grave – only artificial flowers and a photo of the choreographer. Now a large monument made of granite and wood has been erected at the Baikove cemetery. This was reported on the history_of_tombst page on TikTok.

The tombstone of Hryhorii Chapkis was erected in the form of a red granite staircase leading to a "parquet" scene. Below it is the inscription: "Dance is life, live by dancing."

It is worth noting that the choreographer's children do not live in Ukraine. His son Greg has been in the United States for a long time, and his daughter Liliia is in Italy. According to Hryhorii Chapkis Jr., it was quite difficult to erect a tombstone in Ukraine from abroad. He apologized to his father on Instagram and got angry with the dancer's friends.

A monument to Hryhorii Chapkis was erected three years after his death: what the legendary choreographer's grave looks like. Video

"Sorry it took so long, Dad. It wasn't easy to do this from the other side of the world, in a country torn apart by war. Some of your 'friends' and colleagues made a lot of empty promises, and in return, they just wanted more from us. Liliia Chapkis and I lost a lot of time because of this. Now my heart is at peace. RIP dad, we miss you," Greg Chapkis wrote.

A monument to Hryhorii Chapkis was erected three years after his death: what the legendary choreographer's grave looks like. Video

However, attentive viewers noticed that the craftsmen who designed the monument made mistakes in the dates of birth and death. The tombstone states that the artist was born on April 24, 1930, when in fact he was born on February 24 of the same year. The date of death was also incorrectly stated as July 13, 2021, when it should have been June.

A monument to Hryhorii Chapkis was erected three years after his death: what the legendary choreographer's grave looks like. Video

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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