
"We cannot afford it": Zelensky explains how "war fatigue" can threaten Ukraine

Zelensky explains how "fatigue" from the war can threaten Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainians cannot afford fatigue from a full-scale war with Russia. The Head of State emphasized that it is important to defend the country not only at the front but also in the rear.

According to the President, millions of Ukrainians continue to do important things to fight the aggressor. Zelensky said this in an interview with the British TV channel Channel 4 News.

The President emphasized that people who continue to do business, work and pay taxes in the face of full-scale Russian aggression are also protecting the state.

"We cannot afford war fatigue. Otherwise, it will turn out that someone is defending the state, and when I talk about defense, it is not only the frontline. These are people who work, people who have businesses, who pay taxes, and you can get tired of doing this under rockets. But people continue to do it, and this is all important," Zelensky said.

At the same time, the president said that if Ukraine gets tired of the war, it risks losing everything. Therefore, every Ukrainian needs to work every day to ensure that our country continues to fight against Russian invaders.

"We have no right to get tired of it. And if we get tired in this sense of the word, we will lose everything we have. In what sense do people get tired? Like every person after a day's work. But the next day you work because you do a good job. Wherever it is - journalist, military, electrician, doctor, teacher - it is all very important in Ukraine. That's why you can afford to be tired in the evening, but in the morning you have to defend the state and fight for it if we want to preserve it," the president said.

As a reminder, Volodymyr Zelensky said that mobilization in Ukraine is primarily a matter of justice. He explained that the military, who have been on the front line since the first day of the invasion, need rest, and people who join the army should know that they can count on appropriate training and equipment.

Earlier, Zelensky said that Ukraine has planned a number of international events with partners in Europe and the European Union to provide security guarantees for our country. January and February should bring relevant results.

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