
"The captive occupant complained about the provisions of Putin's army and appealed to the Russians: "They gave food once every two to three days, we didn't see water." Video

The Armed Forces of Ukraine interrogated the captive occupant captured

The Russian occupier, captured by the Defense Forces, spoke about the inhumane conditions to which his brigade was sent by its commanders. According to him, he ran away from there more than once, hiding for four months from his fellow soldiers, but they found him, beat him, and intimidated him.

The captive shared his grim story with Ukrainian security forces, and OBOZ.UA obtained a recording of his conversation. The captive occupant, named Vitaliy Deniskin, is convinced that the Russian military are not treated as human beings.

"We were placed in the farthest point, where food was distributed every two or three days. The water supply was even worse: a liter per day. Then we were captured, and I feel better here," the occupant admits.

He also appealed to all Russians subject to mobilization and who may be called to war in Ukraine. Deniskin urges them to leave Russia by all means and not to agree to the killing of civilian Ukrainians. If they cannot emigrate, they should immediately surrender to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, fighters of the Russian Freedom Legion captured Russian soldiers, including a private who had been fighting in the Luhansk region for six months. He could not explain why he went to fight in a foreign country.

"The answer to the question 'what are you fighting for' did not work, as did the motivation to kill civilians in a foreign country. Perhaps a short lecture from the Legionnaires will help them understand 'what is right and wrong,'" commented Russian volunteers on the video.

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