
Russia deploys a convoy of Ural trucks camouflaged with sand paint near Berdiansk: Mariupol official pointed out an interesting nuance. Video

The occupants move equipment to Berdiansk. Source: Screenshot

The Russian occupation army continues to move military equipment to the Berdiansk direction. The day before, the enemy moved a convoy of Ural trucks, camouflaged with sand paint, towards the temporarily occupied city.

The network noted that such camouflage is used in Africa. This was reported on Telegram by Petro Andriushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of Mariupol.

According to him, the occupiers are transferring almost new equipment to Berdiansk, allegedly from a factory. Andriushchenko added that the appearance of African camouflage near Berdiansk raises many questions.

At the same time, he emphasized that no activity has been observed at the large enemy training ground near the village of Babakh-Tarama in the Donetsk region for the third week in a row. Andriushchenko added that the occupants laid low after the explosions and after guerrillas exposed their attempt to build a new base. According to him, the appearance of such camouflaged equipment indicates that the Russian occupiers have problems with reserves.

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