
Preparations for F-16 fighter jets to be used in Ukraine continue: details from the Foreign Ministry

The first air assaults with the use of F-16 will be this year

Preparations for Ukrainian defenders to use F-16 multi-role fighter jets are going according to plan. Pilots and engineers are training for it, and infrastructure is being prepared.

This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba on the air of the United News TV marathon. He noted that all the countries that promised to provide Ukraine with these fighter jets are fulfilling their commitments.

"Preparations for the first air strike to be carried out by F-16s in Ukrainian air are going according to plan. The pilots are being trained. Engineers are preparing. The infrastructure is being prepared. All the countries that promised to provide F-16s are fulfilling their obligations," Kuleba said.

The minister noted that the technology of F-16 fighters is very complex. That is why it is impossible to "simply move from one machine to another."

At the same time, Kuleba hinted that we may see the first air  assaults with the use of F-16s in the near future.

"Even the concept of air combat management is changing. Therefore, the process is ongoing. It takes time, but everything is going more or less according to plan. And I think that this year we will have the first air victories of F-16s in Ukraine," the Foreign Minister emphasized.

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