
As much as 2.5 hours: Ukrainian Air Force spokesman explained why the air raid alarm over the occupiers' MiG-31K was so prolonged

The Armed Forces of Ukraine explained why the air raid alert on November 4 was so long

On the afternoon of Saturday, November 4, the air raid alert due to the takeoff of an enemy MiG-31K fighter jet carrying Kinzhal missiles lasted longer than usual, namely 2.5 hours. The reason for this is that not just one Russian aircraft took off, but three.

They took off from different airfields in the Russian Federation. This was reported by Yuriy Ihnat, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, on the air of the United News TV marathon.

"We understood that there was not just one MiG fighter in the sky but three that took off from two airfields at once: from the northern airfield and Mozdok. Well, just as Putin promised, MiG-31K jets, which are carriers of the Kinzhal missiles, were patrolling," he said.

We would like to remind you that when MiG-31K jets took off, the air raid alarm is on all over Ukraine. According to Ihnat, this will continue as long as these aircraft remain in the airspace from where they can threaten our country with the range and radius of missile weapons.

"Therefore, we must respond. Kinzhal missile flies for a few minutes as its speed is hypersonic. When it goes along the ballistic trajectory, it decreases to about 3,800 kilometers per hour. But it still flies extremely fast," Ihnat explained.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, the Russians deployed MiG-31 fighters, which are carriers of Kinzhal missiles, at the Belbek airfield in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol. But the deployment of aircraft is not something new as Russia uses about 40 airfields, Ihnat said.

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