
The war should end in a dialogue based on Ukraine's territorial integrity - Erdogan

Turkey supports Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Source: gadebate.un.org

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey is ready to step up its support in finding diplomatic ways to end the Russian-Ukrainian war. This should happen on the basis of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

He made this statement during his speech at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. Erdogan emphasized that Turkey supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and stressed the need to stop the war through dialogue.

According to him, the world is still far from achieving a just and lasting peace, and the arms race only complicates the possibilities for diplomatic solutions.

In addition to the war in Ukraine, the Turkish president mentioned the situation in Palestine. He sharply criticized the Israeli government, accusing it of "ethnic cleansing" and "step-by-step occupation" of the Palestinian territories. Erdogan expressed support for the Palestinians, saying that they have the right to "legitimate resistance."

In addition, the Turkish President expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the UN, calling the organization "dysfunctional and inert". He emphasized the need to reform the UN Security Council, noting that the world cannot depend on the five permanent members of the Council alone, and called for changes that would reflect current global realities.

Recently, Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared his country's unwavering support for Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence. He also noted that the return of control over Crimea to Ukraine is a requirement of international law.

As reported, earlier, the media said that Turkey applied for membership in the BRICS a few months ago amid its frustration with the lack of progress in its long-term attempts to join the EU. In this way, Ankara seeks to strengthen its global influence and establish new ties beyond its traditional allies in the West, journalists' sources said.

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