
Manufactured on the eve of the attack: CAR experts examine the X-101 missile used by Russians to hit Okhmatdyt

The X-101 missile that hit the children's hospital in Kyiv was manufactured shortly before the attack. Source: From open sources

The Russian X-101 cruise missile used by the enemy to strike the Kyiv Children's Hospital "Okhmatdyt" on July 8 was manufactured on the eve of the attack. It rolled off the assembly line at most three months before the attack, and possibly even eight days before.

This was found by researchers from the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) organization. They studied the fragments of the missile that were found at the site of its impact.

"This short period of time between the production and use of X-101 missiles is part of a trend that CAR first observed in December 2022," the report said.

Manufactured on the eve of the attack: CAR experts examine the X-101 missile used by Russians to hit Okhmatdyt

The fragment of the X-101 missile has a 13-digit code on it, which the researchers used to deduce the date of its production.

The first three digits of the production number are common to all Russian X-101 missiles that have been documented in Ukraine, as are the next three digits.

The next digits, 7 and 9, indicate that the missile was manufactured in the second quarter of 2024 (between April 1 and June 30, 2024). Given that the attack on the children's hospital occurred on July 8, the missile could have been manufactured just weeks or possibly days before the attack.

Manufactured on the eve of the attack: CAR experts examine the X-101 missile used by Russians to hit Okhmatdyt

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