
German Foreign Ministry promises Ukraine strong support in 2024

Germany's assistance to Ukraine
Germany's assistance to Ukraine

In the new year 2024, Germany will continue to provide "strong support" to Ukraine together with its partners. This includes military assistance and more: in particular, on June 11-12 next year, Berlin will hold a conference on the restoration of our country, which will aim to strengthen the link between reconstruction, reforms, and the EU accession process.

This is reported on the website of the German Foreign Ministry. In the material titled "What is important at the turn of 2024", the first paragraph is the section "On the side of Ukraine".

Berlin noted that during the full-scale war unleashed by Russia, it has allocated more than 27.8 billion euros for bilateral support to Kyiv. Among other things, Germany helped Ukraine before the winter, supported Ukrainian refugees, transferred humanitarian aid, assisted in the investigation of war crimes, demining, etc.

The Ukrainian military receives equipment, weapons, and supplies from Bundeswehr warehouses and German industry, funded by the German budget.

The diplomats drew attention to the fact that this winter the aggressor state Russia is again deliberately bombing civilian infrastructure.

"Therefore, the federal government is supporting Ukraine with a winter package and plans to double military aid to 8 billion euros in 2024," the Foreign Ministry's press service said.

Germany is the second largest donor to Ukraine after the United States. Germany is also the largest contributor to the European Peace Facility (EPF) refinancing fund, which has provided €5.6 billion in support measures across Europe from 2022 to 2026 for the supply of military equipment by EU member states.

"Ukraine has been resisting Russian aggression with great courage and defending our freedom: since April 2022, the country has liberated more than half of the territories originally occupied by Russia; the Armed Forces of Ukraine have also managed to gradually push back the Russian fleet in the Black Sea and open a safe shipping corridor that has already allowed more than 200 ships to export grain and other goods to world markets. Despite the fact that Ukraine's defense struggle against Russia has placed incredible demands on it, it has implemented an impressive series of internal reforms that will allow it to start negotiations on EU accession," the German Foreign Ministry said.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, according to the Washington Post, the Russian Federation has set out to undermine support for Ukraine in France, including through disinformation, manipulation and propaganda. For this purpose, the aggressor uses not only social media and mass media but also French politicians, opinion leaders and activists.

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