
IOC announces decision on Russians' admission to the 2024 Olympics

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
The IOC has admitted Russians to the Games in Paris

Russian and Belarusian athletes will be able to participate in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris in a neutral status. This will only apply to individual events, and the athletes themselves must meet certain criteria.

This decision was made by the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), according to the organization's official website. It is noted that to date, only 11 representatives of the two countries (eight from Russia and three from Belarus) have won the right to compete at the Games in the French capital.


Athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport who qualify for the tournament will be declared as individual neutral athletes and will be titled with the abbreviation AIN. Teams from the Russian Federation and Belarus will not be allowed. In addition, all athletes who actively support the war in Ukraine or have contracts with the military or security forces will not be able to participate in the competition.

The same criteria must be met by the staff. In addition, no official or government official from Russia or Belarus will be allowed to enter Olympic venues. The IOC has also banned the colors of the co-aggressor countries.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, the president of the National Committee of Ukraine Vadym Gutzeit called for preventing Russians from participating in the Olympics, recalling the recent expulsion of Russia from the IOC.

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