
Germany has found a radical way to keep Russia and Belarus out of international tournaments

Maksym InshakovSport
Germany has found a radical way to keep Russia and Belarus out of international tournaments

Germany has confirmed information that it intends to prohibit the issuance of visas to athletes from Russia and Belarus to prevent them from participating in international competitions in Germany and Europe. This was announced by German Minister of the Interior Nancy Fezer at the conference of sports ministers in Frankfurt.


Peter Beuth, Minister of the Interior of the State of Hesse, confirmed that state ministers unanimously and explicitly supported them.

"Athletes from Russia and Belarus should not be allowed to enter the Schengen zone through Germany," Boyt added.

According to Fizer, militant Russia should not use sporting events as a platform for its propaganda.

"If the Foreign Ministry agrees with me on this position, we will deny Russian and Belarusian athletes visas when they enter Germany," quoted the politician as saying.


Conference of Ministers of Sport "unanimously and unequivocally calls on the federal government to keep Russian and Belarusian athletes out of competition in Europe through a visa policy," Boyt said.


There was also agreement that "military Russia should not use international sporting events as a stage for its propaganda."

"The Conference of Ministers of Sport unanimously opposes the re-admission of Russian and Belarusian athletes," said Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann. The latest IOC decision is "the wrong signal".


The International Olympic Committee recently opened the doors to a partial return to the world sporting arena for both countries, which were banned from all international sporting events last year because of Russia's aggressive war in Ukraine.


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