
The Ministry of Culture appealed to Ukrainians because of the Slovo Patsana Russian series and asked bloggers not to play along with the enemy: this is an information operation that kills people

Kateryna MalayNews
Ministry of Culture explains why you should not watch Russian TV series

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine has responded to the spread of the Russian propaganda series Slovo Patsana in the Ukrainian media space. Viewers were urged to avoid popularizing and watching film products from a hostile country as it finances the war and promotes Kremlin narratives.

The official statement was published on the website of the Ministry of Culture. The ministry sounded the alarm, in particular, because of the rapid spread of the crime series among teenagers.

It was emphasized once again that The Word of the Boy contains Russian propaganda, which is not always recognizable by minors, who make up the majority of the series' fans.

The Ministry of Culture also responded to all Ukrainians who justify watching the Russian series by saying that they do so on "safe" resources that allegedly do not bring money to the Russian treasury.

"We emphasize that Russian content is not broadcast on official Ukrainian platforms, so it can be found on pirated and Russian resources, which is illegal. We emphasize that it is important for the information security of our country to stop the spread of Russian content through pirate and official enemy platforms in order to prevent the influence of Russian information and psychological operations on Ukrainians, especially teenagers," the statement reads.

The remarks also referred to media professionals who "consciously or unconsciously play along with the occupiers" by advertising Russian content by the terrorist country. As you know, there have been several such scandals with bloggers recently. One of them concerned the well-known influencer Anna Alkhim, who boasted that she was watching a Russian TV series.

"By consuming and distributing the product produced by the aggressor state, they indirectly contribute to the financing of the Russian army. Therefore, our people, both military and civilians, are dying because of the promotion of the enemy's culture. We call on opinion leaders and every citizen of Ukraine to make a conscious decision and stop consuming Russian products forever. We must be united in our position," the Ministry of Culture urged.

As you know, last month, the TV series Slovo Patsana, which romanticizes the U.S.S.R., robbery and crime, began to gain popularity in Ukraine. We wrote here about why you shouldn't watch it.

For those who believe that there are no alternatives to the Russian series among the domestic film products, OBOZ.UA has made a special selection. We have collected five projects that can be watched instead.

The film, by the way, stars the son of the main critic of the Putin regime, musician and frontman of the Time Machine band Andrey Makarevich.

Meanwhile, Masha Yefrosynina also reacted to the hype around the series. The presenter expressed her indignation at the fact that media professionals and ordinary citizens are defending their "right" to listen and watch Russian content, forgetting that Ukrainian soldiers are dying for them at this moment.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, along with the series, which is rapidly gaining popularity, the song "Piyala" by the Russian band Aigel, which is the soundtrack of the same project, reached first place in the Top 100 in Ukraine rating on Apple Music.

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