
Second Chornobaivka for Russians: SSU blows up another train with fuel in Buryatia. Details and photos

Maryna LisnychukNews
A train with fuel explodes in Buryatia again

A fire has broken out on the Baikal-Amur railroad in Russia's Buryatia for the second day in a row. Another freight train carrying fuel exploded there.

The second Chornobaivka was arranged for the Russians by the Security Service of Ukraine. OBOZ.UA was told this by its own sources.

According to them, the aggressor country has fallen into the SSU trap set on the Baikal-Amur railway, which is 4,234 km long, twice.

The new explosion was the second stage of a special operation designed to disrupt this important logistics route for Russia. The railroad connects Russia with China and is used, among other things, for military supplies.

On the night of November 30, a freight train exploded right in the Severomuysky Tunnel: four explosive devices went off while it was moving.

To continue with the logistics, the Russians used a detour route that passes through the 35-meter-high "Devil's Bridge" (located about 16 km from the tunnel where the explosion occurred the day before - Ed.)

"That's exactly what the SSU was counting on as the explosive devices planted in the bridge were detonated when the train was passing over this high bridge," the sources said.

On December 1, Russian channels wrote that six fuel tanks caught fire after the explosion. Even a fire train was sent to extinguish the fire.

"Russian special services should get used to the fact that our people are everywhere. Even in distant Buryatia," the sources said about the SSU's actions.

It is worth noting that the Ukrainian Secret Service itself does not officially comment on these explosive events in Russia.

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